Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 24, 2018

The Schools4Change platform is owned by Civicamente srl, the data controller, with registered office in Via Foscolo, 10 – 25080 Padenghe sul Garda (BS).

The e-mail address of our Privacy Officer is

Your privacy is very important to us, which is why we want to communicate to you the ways in which we collect and use information about you. Our Company has always paid particular attention to the processing and protection of the personal data of its Customers, Communities, Users, Suppliers, Collaborators and of all those with whom it enters into a relationship. For this reason, in order to ensure maximum compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679, CivicaMente srl has adopted a suitable Privacy Organizational Model.

The Code and the Regulation provide that those who process personal data are required to inform the interested party about which data are processed and about certain elements that qualify the processing: it must take place with correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your confidentiality. and your rights. In accordance with the provisions of articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we provide you with the following information.


This page describes the methods of processing the personal data of our Company’s Users, Customers and Suppliers, i.e. what information we collect, how we collect it, what we do with it, how we protect it, how long we keep it, and the rights of Be interested in your own information.

In Brief this information, addressed to Users, Communities, Customers and Suppliers and Collaborators, describes our privacy practices.


Teachers and communities

We collect information relating to teachers of schools and public or private to develop dialogue with our community, inform it of free educational projects that become available over time, invite to events, including interactive, of educational interest in the constant principle of free of all experiences training courses offered to the teacher.

The information concerns contact details (email, telephone number, etc.), personal data, as well as other data of a common nature.


We collect information relating to the professional role of the person within the institutional or corporate organization and the category to which the organization belongs.


We collect information relating to the professional role of the person in the organization and the product category to which the organization belongs.

In Brief We collect two types of information: Personal Information (which can be used to uniquely identify an individual, for example the email address) and Non-Personal Information (relating to legal entities).


We collect this information for the following purposes:

– keep you updated on new educational paths, training events, training webinars

– convey free invitations for events of training and educational interest

– provide you with content of interest for your professional and cultural profile

– promote personal empowerment training courses

– if the processing is necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interest provided that your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not prevail.

“Opposition to processing for marketing purposes”

The e-mail addresses of our Customers may be used for the direct sending of information or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication. We remind you that, at the time of collection of your data and on the occasion of any communication made for the aforementioned purposes, you can object to the processing using the appropriate opt-out function available in each communication received or by contacting us with the methods indicated at the bottom of the this Notice. You will be immediately notified of the interruption of the treatment.

In Brief We collect and use information to enable effective management of our projects and communities.


To ensure the greatest possible privacy for the Teachers Community, we undertake not to share your information externally, neither towards customers, nor towards suppliers, nor towards other third parties.

In Brief We want to protect your contact information as much as possible.

In the same way, we undertake not to externally disseminate the information of the other Communities as well as those of users, customers, suppliers.


We keep the Information for a maximum of 12 years.


You have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of your personal data in our use, to know the origin of it, test the correctness or ask for correction and update. You also have the right to ask for removal of your data, the transformation into anonymity or to block data use in violation of law. You can also request for limitation or deny any use of your personal data, based on lawful reasons.

You can send your request:


In Brief: you can request access to your personal data in our use, ask for correction or removal. We will answer in a reasonable amount of time, not beyond 30 days from your request.